Will EPF pension scheme be able to afford increased longevity?

Will EPF pension scheme be able to afford increased longevity?
There is no surprise that the longevity of newborn children will be six to ten years more than their parents. The longer the age after the retirement of an employee, the more will be the period of payment of pension by the Employees Provident Fund organisation to thousands of retirees year after year. According to a report published in a well-known daily newspaper the children born 'now could live for hundred years'. It has been comprehensively discussed in the book 'The Hundred-Year Life' of famous economist Andrew J Scot. According to him, longevity can be better used and made productive by adopting some innovation.

Life expectancy has certainly increased significantly in India and there is every reason for it to rise further because of better medical facilities, awareness of the people about health and availability of better and healthy food. The present estimate is that it has risen by 3 to 4 years, but it is definitely going to be more than the estimated age. Therefore, the change in the work style has become imperative. A person can work longer if dramatic changes in career structure are brought about. There is a need to move away from the three-stage model of education, work and retirement to multistage life where careers are more fluid combining different stages of working from money to charitable efforts, caring for family etc.

The moot point is the period of pension will be automatically increased if the life expectancy increases and how will the organisation be able to bear the burden which will fall upon it by the increased life expectancy? In such circumstances, there are some countries which are thinking of increasing the retirement age of the employees but that is not as...

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H.L. Kumar

is Advocate, Supreme Court of India, New Delhi. He has also been former Law Teacher in University of Delhi.

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H.L. Kumar

is Advocate, Supreme Court of India, New Delhi. He has also been former Law Teacher in University of Delhi.

February 2025

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