What is your perspective about the state the DEI in Indian Organisations? Is it limited to lip service in most of the cases to talk about and little is happening at ground?
NK First of all why we want to have DEI and what and how this will impact the organisation should be the question to self and the top management. Unless we have clear answer to this any initiative or drive is waste of time and will die in the start itself.
Any change is difficult unless embraced. DEI is the most talked initiative in any corporate panel or policies but when it comes to strategizing organisational vision it may remain untouched. However what is important is to have it in actions than just in discussions & debates. First of all, how one defines Diversity…is it limited to gender, race, culture, language, age, demographics or interest or especially abled people. What is our definition, what we want to drive into reality. Aiming for gender diversity, would end up ticking a few check boxes but you would not achieve the fundamental objective of...
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