Tips for job seekers during COVID 19 pandemic

Tips for job seekers during COVID 19 pandemic
Use this time to up skill yourself. Identify areas that need improvement or focus on newer skills that will add weight to your overall candidature.

COVID19 has already impacted the whole world more than any one of us was prepared for. The collateral damage that has happened to the world economy has been unprecedented. The fact that COVID 19 will have a significant impact on the global economy including a slowdown in various sectors cannot be ignored. Companies across the world have been trying to keep continuity in business and cash flow possible.  The massive outburst of coronavirus has made more and more businesses to mandate that their employees work from home (WFH) to minimize the effects of the Coronavirus outbreak.

With the outbreak of COVID-19, organisations will implement cost-control measures which will include a freeze on hiring. This will impact those seeking new job opportunities.

Here are few tips for the job seekers, to maintain their calm during this unprecedented time.

Stay Connected and Updated – Many companies have frozen their hiring process, but at the same time there are companies which are still hiring. Look out for those companies, and do not miss the news and updates which will be able to help you with better information during this hard time. Be patient if you were in the middle of a hiring exercise that is currently on hold, stay in touch with the recruiter.

The collateral damage that has happened to the world economy has been unprecedented. The fact that COVID 19 will have a significant impact on the global economy including a slowdown in various sectors cannot be ignored. Companies across the world have been trying to keep continuity in business and cash flow possible.

Be prepared – With the current situation, it is uncertain how soon companies will start fully functioning from the work place which also means scheduling candidates at work. Companies will leverage technology to further their recruitment process. For e.g. replacing in person interview rounds and presentations over video interviews. Need to be prepared for this change.

Be creative – Get creative in your choice of words used as the subject line and body of the message/email that you send to recruiters. Need to be extremely creative with your resume and ensure it has all the relevant information and important ‘keywords’ to be able to catch the hiring manger’s attention.

Upskill your hidden talents – Use this time to up-skill yourself. Identify areas that need improvement or focus on newer skills that will add weight to your overall candidature.

Take care of your mental health – This is an unprecedented situation, where everyone is doing the best they can. Things for job seekers are not easy like the salaried people, but the uncertainty among the job keepers can lead to major mental disease. The time definitely is bad, but time doesn’t stay the same always, things will change and people will start working on their new venture. Yoga or exercise can keep your stress and panic free and help you in making your decision in a much clear light.

Margaret D’Souza

General Services Coordinator at United Development Company

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Margaret D’Souza

General Services Coordinator at United Development Company

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