The learning and development have to embrace the change

The learning and development have to embrace the change
It is good to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. People those who got the setback in pandemic were able to use the setback as an opportunity. They operated from a "positive mindset" and a "can do attitude".

Do you see L&D changing more broadly after pandemic crisis and why does it needs a revamp for the new workplace?

SM I think that the pandemic has most certainly changed the ways of working (WOW), the employee and employer mindset, customer mindset and while everything is changing around us, certainly L&D cannot remain untouched. It makes me think as if we are on a Star trek voyage. Remember the famous lines “To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before” As the pandemic continues, employees continue to work from home for many organisations. For these organisations, while on one hand the commuting time becomes zero, adding quality of life for employees from a personal angle, and either increase or no loss in the current productivity, there are chances of the employees feeling burnt out. The focus of companies to organize workshops on wellness has increased. The Pandemic has brought in new challenges never imagined before and organisations still struggling to...

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Sudeepto Mukherjee

Head- Technical Training at Verizon

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Sudeepto Mukherjee

Head- Technical Training at Verizon

February 2025

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