Supportive workplace compliance culture implementation

Supportive workplace compliance culture implementation

Introduction and literature review

Compliance helps organisations to act responsibly and obey regulations related to labour, work safety, finance, operations, and accounting standards (VComply Technologies, 2022). A lack of culture, not compliance, is the primary cause of India’s safety woes, as observed by the British Safety Council, India (2020). Work compliance culture transformation for industry is the need of hour for achieving business excellence. Over the years, workplace culture, company ethics, values and mission, rules and regulations are challenged or under examination. Work culture includes all areas of the company such as safety, quality, production, maintenance etc. Compliance is not only limited to safety, but also applicable to an entire work organisation concerns. Though compliance training is an integral part of companies, still compliance in all aspects of a company lacks in practice by almost 30 percent of the manpower. Business disruption and productivity losses are the most expensive...

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Dr. Harbans Lal Kaila

is Professor of Psychology (Retd.) SNDT Women's University, Director - Forum of Safety culture, Mumbai.

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Dr. Harbans Lal Kaila

is Professor of Psychology (Retd.) SNDT Women's University, Director - Forum of Safety culture, Mumbai.

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