February 2025

STUCK IN BUSINESS? 5 Exponential Growth Hacks To Achieve 10X Profits


Stuck in Business? 5 Exponential Growth Hacks to Achieve 10x Profits is the second book of author who is also a Business Transformation Coach. The entire book represents the live case study of a successful personal transformation of a small business owner Akash, his partners, his business and his team. Author has used story telling method effectively. This book has differentiated between business owners and business operators and how the later take pride in doing everything themselves for years together and pay the heavy price by getting stuck in the business.

Book is a blueprint that provides the successful journey of Akash by hiring the business transformation coach to make a massive turnaround in his business. The book is written with the aim to enable and empower the small entrepreneurs and startup leaders to understand, learn and apply the various resources and tools.

5 lessons learned from Stuck In Business?

1. Step-by-step process Akash had followed to move from annual turnover of 5 crores to new business vision with global presence $30 million.

2. Understanding of real business challenges of a small businesses and startups along with the desired and relevant strategic approach to resolve these challenges.

3. Various business management skills essential for business entrepreneurs and its application in day-to-day business operations.

4.The importance of handholding process for smooth transformation through implementable actions.

5. The five exponential growth hacks presented in the book helps to connect the dots.

The author has simplified the complex process of transformation for the business entrepreneurs in a lucid style to achieve business vision. The contents with resources and tools shared in the book makes it business manual for anyone who needs to stay updated whether an entrepreneur or a corporate leader.

The book steers the entrepreneur to define his purpose and begin his new journey by using 5 exponential growth hacks to set on the path of growth. Business entrepreneurs and startups leaders would certainly find this book inspiring and useful to apply in their businesses.

Business Manager

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