Steer the ship

Probably the most talked about subject among HR fraternity of not only the country but globally, has been about the future of HR function. When it was said that there will be no HR as a function in organisations few years back, it was also hoped that HR will emerge more stronger in future. Every time we discuss about what will happen to this function or what role it would require to perform or how it should keep its relevance maintained, it comes out with refreshing colours. The crisis imposed on human race by the pandemic has disrupted the businesses at a very high scale upside down where importance of people in businesses were realised from a new perspective and here the HR function got the opportunity to emerge as a strong contender to prove its worth in navigating the business in hard times. The role of CHRO became more crucial than ever before, so, now HR has to evolve continuously, think differently and act differently.

I am very optimistic and confident about the future of HR function. It is neither going to diminish its value nor losing relevance. It will remain in the center of business and steer the ship in coming times. No business can afford to lose sight of people issues. No matter, how many technologies come in, nothing can replace the human power. Yes, it can add comfort, productivity and efficiency. So, Future of HR function will be a perfect blending of human and digital power. Even though, HR function implies human interaction with strong personal connections, it will evolve with technology for a future that will be compatible for each other. And in all this, HR should not lose sight of living for its purpose and values and continuously define and refine those values.

While witnessing the dynamic movement from conventional HR to tech supported operations, it must focus on impact. How HR processes, systems and decisions impact the quality of life of employees and engagement level at workplace, would be most relevant in times to come. It will be more adaptable and flexible to change. In near future, HR leaders may prioritise the initiatives that strengthen the organisation’s ability to build leadership pipeline, responsive work culture and enhancing employee experience.

This edition cover story is all about future of HR where renowned Business and HR leaders and pioneer of this function in the country unfold the role of HR function in future.

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Happy Reading! – Have a cheerful 2023.

Anil Kaushik

A Management thinker, Educator, Motivator, Guest Speaker of Management Institutes, Consultant, author of labour law books and President of Indian HR Forum, with about three decades of deep rooted understanding, Floor experience and research in HRM Area and Training has led many organizations to a path of productivity, performance and profits with business linked HR strategies.

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Anil Kaushik

A Management thinker, Educator, Motivator, Guest Speaker of Management Institutes, Consultant, author of labour law books and President of Indian HR Forum, with about three decades of deep rooted understanding, Floor experience and research in HRM Area and Training has led many organizations to a path of productivity, performance and profits with business linked HR strategies.

March 2025

Future Employee Relations - March 2025
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