After eight years of POSH law, do you think it has achieved its objectives and has delivered what was expected of it?
HK An assertion is just an assumption in absence of verified data. So, I abstain from authoritative comment on “Whether Posh Laws has achieved its stated objectives as enshrined in its preamble and in sections especially Section-19 titled Duties of Employers.
However, I do affirm and vouch, as a longtime PoSH Service Provider particularly since 1997 when Hon’ble Supreme Court issued Vishakha Guidelines for Employers; that the legislative intent of the Act has not been achieved in full measure by employers even after 8 years elapsed.
The Lapse is due to inert response from alarmingly high no. of employers who failed to fulfill their duties, faithfully and properly, in letter and spirit of the laws despite deterrent penalties imposed.
Alas, many workplaces still lag behind with stakeholders still expecting full-support of their workplace-occupiers in co-creating a safe & secure workplace...
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