Rejuvenation and much that goes with it!

Rejuvenation and much that goes with it!
This requires practice. Everyone's instinct is at different points effectiveness. The good news is it can be sharpened through programmed effort. Some find it easier to practice it than others. Naturally the quality of outcome varies.

Life survives because the entity is capable of rejuvenation. Much of what happens in the processes of rejuvenation is involuntary. These processes include sleep (where cells rejuvenate), breathing (through which oxygen runs through the veins with the help of blood cells to transfer energy), and food (which supplies yet another form of energy to keep the cells going). The processes are many and an understanding of human anatomy is necessary to appreciate the fundamental role rejuvenation has in keeping a live body alive. Add to it the power of the mind and one would understand the role of intelligence in directing the body. Spirituality is an essential component though regrettably not often factored into the thinking process on rejuvenation.
As just elaborated, rejuvenation processes lay the foundations of life. Since the essential elements of such rejuvenation are involuntary the physical body keeps operating.

There is another component of rejuvenation which requires conscious thought. For want of a better word the processes described in the immediate preceding lines may be termed routine or involuntary rejuvenation. The voluntary rejuvenation is, altogether, another process. Involuntary rejuvenation touches upon concerns such as facts versus beliefs, emotional needs versus desires and the list can go on. In the evolutionary chain of life, it is widely believed that Homo sapiens head the evolutionary chain. This explains the difference between an Amoeba and a human body. An Amoeba is also a creature. Perhaps it is one of the simplest forms of life. A Homo sapien is a bewildering maze of cell structures which constitutes the existence of a human body in which human life is lodged.

A managerial perspective to rejuvenation requires a sound approach to voluntary rejuvenation lodged in a framework of involuntary rejuvenation on which the human body survives.

Hence, if the focus is on involuntary rejuvenation which requires conscious choices, extent of involuntary rejuvenation will be determined in a framework of feeling fulfilled, benchmarked by achievement. Hence to understand rejuvenation beyond the routine, it requires to be understood in a framework of what enables a feeling of fulfilment and meets the standards of achievement.

A managerial perspective to rejuvenation requires a sound approach to voluntary rejuvenation lodged in a framework of involuntary rejuvenation on which the human body survives.

To put it all simply built upon physical rejuvenation, emotional, spiritual and mental processes follow. The outcome is decision making excellence. Sound decision making is the essence of life. It is the outcome of all learning, education and thinking ability. Bad decision making includes incomplete comprehension of facts, inadequate understanding of emotions and above all inconsistent choice of position. Gita sums it very well in the two words -SankshayAatma (ambivalent persona). Having defined the person, it goes on to say ‘Sankshayaatmavinashyati’. It means the ambivalent persona (the persona operating on the basis of incomplete facts, inadequate recognition of reality, incomplete understanding of emotions at play) will merit ‘complete decimation’. (According to Sanskrit grammar, adding of the prefix ‘vi’before the word ‘nashyati’ conveys the meaning of i.e. complete decimation).

This is a very powerful statement that many humans, let alone managers do not even attempt to understand. Decisions which flow out of eschewed and incomplete recognition of reality is a one way road to disaster.

Therefore rejuvenation requires total clarity. The rest follows. That may however be another story.

To read that story one must be aware of what causes a sense of fulfilment, physical wellbeing and a true sense of achievement for any person. Rejuvenation is the outcome. Surely a state for which everyone has to strive.

If it be realised, therefore that rejuvenation is a physical, emotional and spiritual process, integrating all this into focussed action requires reflection and mindful action. That exercise will need to be backed up with cohesive effort which can throw up an integrated pathway.

Working through an interface of instinct and judgement may provide the answer. This requires practice. Everyone’s instinct is at different points effectiveness. The good news is it can be sharpened through programmed effort. Some find it easier to practice it than others. Naturally the quality of outcome varies.

Similarly, for effective judgement a balanced personality is a definite prerequisite. Balanced personality needs to be evolve to being an informed one. The full picture has to be fully understood: pre-requisites and implications have to completely grasped. Optional feasible conclusions would need to be generated. Merits and demerits of each course of action would need to be worked out. All this would mean practice and conscious action.

Good, sustainable conclusion is the outcome. It is not just good decision making but the essence of rejuvenation. It is a demanding process but doable.

Dr. Vinayshil Gautam

Internationally acclaimed management expert. Chairman, DKIF

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Dr. Vinayshil Gautam

Internationally acclaimed management expert. Chairman, DKIF

February 2025

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