The strongest principle of growth lies in the human choice, yet we struggle to unravel the deeper meaning of growth. Covid has shaken up everyone’s belief system breaking our conditioning and we see a paradigm shift in our overall approach today. Hence, even organisations and its people will have to rethink and redefine approach to growth and development. There are assumptions and speculations around numerous approaches to tackle the post covid times efficiently, yet we remain oblivious to the fact that any change reveals its consequences over time; we have to witness some patterns before we draw conclusions and make predictions for directional measures. Let us agree one of the interesting consequences of covid today is, mental mutation! After over two plus years of Covid-19 hiatus, there are certain expectations that have emerged, developed and established in our psyche; for instance, working for five days from office sounds a bit greek today! Well! There are various predictions around natural, and human caused potential challenges in the coming decades which should make...

Growth is not just the upward movement with a change in salary and title. It is essentially about potential prospects to help you broaden your perspectives through the change in your skills, experiences and competencies.

Neetubala Raina
is a Leadership Coach and a freelance writer. She works for an American MNC as a Director for Talent and Learning Experience.
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Neetubala Raina
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