Progressive Outlook and Ability to meet Uncertainty will be key

Progressive Outlook and Ability to meet Uncertainty will be key
To remain relevant, Trade unions have to rediscover and reorient their roles. They cannot remain stuck to traditional issues but have to understand and appreciate the changing realities and expectations of new Gen workforce.

How should HR professionals address the lack of long-term job security and benefits in the gig workforce?

RA In an era of runaway technological boom and advancement Gig Workforce has become a sizable force in our talent pool especially in Service industries. According to a study, the participation of the Gig workforce in the talent pool of our country at present is more than 10 million and is set to rise to 23.5 million, approximately 4.1% of our total workforce by the year 2029-30. Hence considering growing challenges, all industries and HR heads must introduce innovative policies to attract and engage our Gig workforce members. I look at challenges in terms of the Gig workforce landscape from their Employment, Employability, Security, and Community point of view.

Considering the employment perspective, we must try and address all of the concerns from their entire lifecycle including attracting and hiring which needs us to draw a Gig Value Proposition (GVP), redefine policies and benefits which is based on a fair and equitable...

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Ratan Agrawal

is a Visionary HR leader with 30+ years of experience, having gained expertise in championing people, organization, and culture transformations. His competency has been in strategic human resource management, competency mapping, talent acquisition and management, learning and development, employee relations, and regulatory compliance.

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Ratan Agrawal

is a Visionary HR leader with 30+ years of experience, having gained expertise in championing people, organization, and culture transformations. His competency has been in strategic human resource management, competency mapping, talent acquisition and management, learning and development, employee relations, and regulatory compliance.

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