Problems and Prospects in The Coming of Artificial Intelligence: A SALIENT PERSPECTIVE

Problems and Prospects in The Coming of Artificial Intelligence: A SALIENT PERSPECTIVE
The impact of AI doesn't stop there, it has also contributed to increasing productivity and optimizing pricing strategies. This has been,both, a cause and effect in the nature of the job market.

Artificial Intelligence is the flavour of the times. It has become a flavour even for those who know little about it, often hiding their ignorance behind attempts to “keep up with the Joneses.” It is true that Artificial Intelligence (AI) brought about a significant role in ongoing organizational design, workflow, and decision-making processes. This fact is central to AI’s role in the functioning of present-day organizations.

It has affected the centres of decision-making, leverages of change and how to deal with the natural changes. It has also equipped organizations with new tools to achieve growth. Obviously, much of this is rooted in marketing, as many centres of change have moved from within organizations to the customers. Netflix’s choices are a good example of how customer choices have a significant impact on the success of the channel makes.

The impact of AI doesn’t stop there; it has also contributed to increasing productivity and optimizing pricing strategies. This has been a change in the job market.

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Dr. Vinayshil Gautam

Internationally acclaimed management expert. Chairman, DKIF

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Dr. Vinayshil Gautam

Internationally acclaimed management expert. Chairman, DKIF

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