Passion works

Passion works

The time of global pandemic will be remembered by generations to come for a drastic change that is going to happen in societal norms and business world. It will witness a new work world in which maximum activities may be done virtually with changed behaviours, automation, distancing, touch less functions and much more. It will be remembered as pre covid and post covid era. No one would have imagined that a single global event, the COVID-19 outbreak would accelerate one of the greatest workplace transformations of our times. In all this process it is the human element that has been impacted most. He has passed through mental, physical and social turmoil.

By the time the edition will be in readers’ hands, lockdown might be over officially. The effective lockdown period of more than two months has been very tough for HR professionals also as they have had been leading from the front in many aspects. It was time to rethink, rediscover, re work and re fresh for HR as to how they have to bounce back with refreshing thoughts, initiatives and approach in post covid work world.

Acting on the front, HR is expected to take care of many areas including ensuring undisrupted workflow, focusing on health and well-being of employees, keeping employees motivated, reframing employees policies for the changed workforce management practices, unleashing the power of virtual learning, embracing technology to its full potential and making people comfortable to use and while automating tasks ensure that processes are humanised.

At individual level, how few passionate HR professionals of Kolkata rose to the occasion, thought of utilizing this time constructively, turned the lock down period in to a wonderful opportunity of disseminating knowledge by using technology and bring country’s best HR brains together to share their thoughts everyday at 8pm and it become popular as HR @ 8PM.They developed the modalities, put in action and created a history. Passion worked.

One hour talk by management thinkers, practitioners, educators, Industry experts made it memorable and crowd pulling event, sometimes causing breakdown of system. When you have commitment, motto of service above self and obsession, such things are possible.

It is BM’s attempt to document it. In this edition, meet the HR veterans in following pages and know how HR is rebooted during crisis by preparing the fraternity to deal with post covid scenario through their wisdom. Also time to say thank you from bottom of my heart to all readers, friends and supporters for their blessings that kept this magazine live for 22 years. With this edition we are entering into 23rd year. Hope to see many more years with your support.

Anil Kaushik

A Management thinker, Educator, Motivator, Guest Speaker of Management Institutes, Consultant, author of labour law books and President of Indian HR Forum, with about three decades of deep rooted understanding, Floor experience and research in HRM Area and Training has led many organizations to a path of productivity, performance and profits with business linked HR strategies.

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Anil Kaushik

A Management thinker, Educator, Motivator, Guest Speaker of Management Institutes, Consultant, author of labour law books and President of Indian HR Forum, with about three decades of deep rooted understanding, Floor experience and research in HRM Area and Training has led many organizations to a path of productivity, performance and profits with business linked HR strategies.

February 2025

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