Off-the-Job conduct under radar

Off-the-Job conduct under radar
Should employers take the moral high ground when it comes to the private life of employees? How equitable it is to terminate an employee for his/her acts conducted outside of the workplace whose investigation is still under process?

To what extent can an organisation regulate the conduct of its employees? Should it restrict itself to the boundaries of the workplace, or should it reprimand them for their off-the-job behaviour?

Owing to the recent incidents in an Air India Airplane, questions around the code of conduct have never been this effervescent. An incident took place in late November on an Air India New York- Delhi flight where an inebriated man urinated on a 72-year-old female passenger. A massive outrage was noticed after the female passenger filed an official complaint. Concomitant to the outrage, the inebriated man was sacked from his job. There are three parties to this incident, first, the inebriated man who is employed with Wells Fargo. Second is the cabin crew who are employed with Air India. The third is the 72-year-old lady who had to go through that ordeal.

The old lady has filed a case and according to recent developments, the court has granted bail to the accused. Air India apologized for the incident, Tata-Group owner Air India CEO Campbell said in an official statement...

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Yasmin Soni

is a Doctoral Scholar at the School of Management and Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai. Her doctoral research delves into the exploration of work meaningfulness, examining how personal identity, organizational culture, and motivation shape employees' perceptions of their roles and contributions in the workplace.

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Yasmin Soni

is a Doctoral Scholar at the School of Management and Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai. Her doctoral research delves into the exploration of work meaningfulness, examining how personal identity, organizational culture, and motivation shape employees' perceptions of their roles and contributions in the workplace.

February 2025

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