Notional extension of employment

Notional extension of employment
If employee met with an accident & died, while going from Office to marketplace for personal intention, he shall not eligible for compensation under said act.

Theory of Notional Extension of Employment may also call it as “Doctrine of Notional Extension” which is very important to understand the scope of theory while measuring the social welfare benefits and security in organizations. In such absence, it will lead to many legal consequences and unnecessary stress to HR & IR personals. Many provisions in India, have legally stipulated and also given some room to link the concept in case to case of Industries. Here below, I have tried to throw some light on the “Theory of Notional Extension of Employment”.

Notional meaning is “theoretical, speculative, estimate and hypothetical” as per the dictionary and it’s an imaginary thing causes due to lack of perfection or no evidence.

Generally, “Notional Extension of Employment” means a hypothetical or imaginary extended of the employment period of employees in certain circumstances for provisional benefits under various laws by...

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Seetaram Moger

Astt. Manager-HR & IR at Doosan Bobcat India, Dharwad (Kar.)

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Seetaram Moger

Astt. Manager-HR & IR at Doosan Bobcat India, Dharwad (Kar.)

February 2025

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