Labour court has no jurisdiction to set aside the termination under Section 33(c) (2) of I.D. Act.
M/s. Cadila Healthcare Ltd. vs. Presiding Officer. 2024 (180) FLR 888 (J&K & Ladakh H.C.)
When the enquiry was found fair and proper and the Enquiry Officer rightly arrived at the conclusion, industrial tribunal has no power to modify the punishment.
Regional Manager, Central Bank of India vs. Presiding Officer. 2024 (181) FLR 424 (All. H.C.)
Even if the termination is found illegal, court has powers to award compensation in lieu of reinstatement.
Smt. Seema vs. Management of M/s. Colonel Security Chembers. 2024 (182) FLR 71 (Delhi H.C.)
Court not to interfere with the punishment for unauthorised absence of 200 days when the employee was already served with warnings on 6 times for absence.
MGNT., Hyundai Motor India Ltd. vs. Mrs. K. Muthukumar. 2024 (182) FLR 712 (Mad. H.C.)
Labour court under Section 33-C of...