New Industrial & Labour Codes

New Industrial & Labour Codes

The book contains all these codes in well designed way.

Govt. in a series of bringing labour reforms has brought out four labour codes by subsuming existing 29 labour laws. The four codes have become Acts. These are The Code on wages, 2019, The Industrial Relations Code, 2020, The Code on Social Security, 2020 and The Occupational Safety, Health and working Conditions Code, 2020.

The Code on wages covers Payment of Wages Act, Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Bonus Act and Equal Renuneration Act. The ID Code covers Industrial Disputes Act, Trade Unions Act & Standing Orders Act. Social Security Code covers nine Acts relevant to employee welfare. The OSH Code covers thirteen Acts.

The book contains all these codes in well designed way. The difficulty for persons having interest in subject was to understand the present codes and its various provisions in the light of existing laws which will be repealed once these codes are made effective. The book has a chapter where a comparative table has been provided showing sections of new codes with corresponding sections of existing relevant Acts.

The Book also contains salient features of all the codes thus giving a quick update on what these codes are all about and what is going to change. The book has come out a time when it was highly needed.

The book is useful for all  Industries, establishments, Govt. Dept, Labour Authorities, HR professionals, Advocates, Law universities and students interested in studying labour laws and keeping themselves update.

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February 2025

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