How should HR professionals address the lack of long-term job security and benefits in the gig workforce?
SN Gig work by definition is deliverable-based work and not linked to tenure or length of engagement. However, certain basic securities need to be built into the arrangement. Of these I would count insurance (both medical and life) and provident fund or equivalent to be the most important for starters as they ensure that there is a certain basic level of security for the individual. Second I would call out a certain lack of balance in the offerings to consumers, which in turn affects the quality of employment for the individual in gig work. I mean, do you need a pair of shoes in ten minutes, or a pizza in fifteen? Consumer promises of this nature often endanger the well-being of gig employees.
It is possibly different when it comes to knowledge-based gig work e.g. services around consulting, writing, editing, etc. The ability of gig workers to engage and negotiate in such situations is significantly better and they are often...