Managing flipside of WFH: Dangers ahead?

Managing flipside of WFH: Dangers ahead?
WFH is a reality. The authors observations should not be read like a red herring prospectus against WFH. The policy makers, corporate honchos and social leaders must see and invest to mitigate the flipside.


Corona crisis has ushered, unwittingly, many new social norms and work practices world over. Working from Home (WFH) is just one of them.

We observe that companies have taken cognizance of primarily three sets of challenges, namely a) productivity of team working remotely, b) impact of WFH on team’s ability to coordinate project tasks, c) reduced team efficiency and productivity. These are laudable work in progress yet few leaders have taken note of disorder, displacement and depression (caused by these new practices) manifesting at the new work place, the home. Home is one more official work place, now. This situation is akin to British rulers having two capitals, a summer capital and a winter capital.

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Dr. Virendra P. Singh

Advisor & Distinguished Professor, Gurugram

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Dr. Virendra P. Singh

Advisor & Distinguished Professor, Gurugram

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