Making organisations more productive

Making organisations more productive
We should all have such a belief that every department head will also be a Human Resources person whose responsibility should be to strengthen the organisation needs and achieve given targets.

Today, owing to the pandemic our current way of life has changed completely as well as it is affecting the way of working life. It has broken our perception of what is normal and deconstructed industries as we know it. One such critical area, where the need for change has become evident is human life. The effects of the coronavirus and thereby its preventive measures, has upended the life of industries employee. The clear disruption in the “normal functioning of work has placed an emphasiss on many questions, which were previously asked and subsequently left unanswered. So,, what could be the current effects of this global pandemic mean for the future of working class in different industries. Keeping in view of the total scenario, some of the tips —— How to make the organisation more productive and perform better so that it will be helpful to go-ahead in the pandemic scenario with some precautionary measures. Several question are hovering in our mind. We have to mould our team in such a manner that a congenial environment will spread across the industry. Our main focus should be to create the utilization of resources in an innovative ways as hereunder:

We should treat our employees with respect as our proud assets rather than just a commodity. This will help to increase the performance of organisation as well as encourage learning opportunities. This will also motivate them to be more productive which will enable smoother function of the organisation.

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Today need of the hour is to identify and align to goals with performance of each and every employee to boost up their morale and instill the company’s culture within each and every employee. Every employee should have an accountability towards the assigned work. For that we should recognize the achievement of employees at every moment and build a dynamic organisation so that employees feels proud while performing their duties. We should know that, employee work better if they know exactly what they are doing, remind employees constantly as to what are their targets and objectives. If they know this than it will be a great help to employees and they will be more productive and perform better in the organisation.

In keeping with creating an open and friendly environment, it is of paramount important to set up one-on-one meeting with each team member to give them an opportunity to come to you with questions, problems or suggestions. One-on-ones are great opportunities to talk to team members about their performance in order to find – what they are struggling with and how you can better support them. They may bring some things to light that they may not have felt comfortable sharing in a group environment. One-on-one meetings can also help them feel valued as an individuals.

Today it is the need to change and emphasize the company culture and HR function is expected to be a centre of Excellence wherein HR team establish and focusses in compensation benefits, talent Management, building leadership, learning and development, career development. This will help to build a sustainable organisation as well as employee growth, this also leads towards aligning the workforce with people processes in the organisation. We should all have such a belief that every department head will also be a Human Resources person whose responsibility should be to strengthen the organisation needs and achieve given targets. For that clear instructions make it easy for the team members to get things right the first time. Further, Remember that unclear communication can cause delays or completely hamper the work activities. For companies to run efficiently and thrive, it need to implement clear communication strategies. In addition, having the right communication tools in place is also essential. To uplift the businesses, every promoters have goals aimed at increasing productivity in the workplace. The more productive your company is the easier it is to boost profits and improve business relationships.

Deepak Pandey

Corporate-HEAD -HR/ER at QH Talbros Pvt. Ltd.

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Deepak Pandey

Corporate-HEAD -HR/ER at QH Talbros Pvt. Ltd.

February 2025

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