Leading from the front

For starters, you can have clarity about your own values and beliefs. What do you value today? What will you stand up for both now and in the future? Where are you uncompromising? What is non-negotiable regardless of how the future plays out? Getting clarity on what you and those that you work with care about are critical, as it can inform tough decisions in murky territory.

As a result of COVID-19, many of us have stepped into a new reality of virtual working, which poses new challenges for leaders. It goes without saying, virtual is not physical, and team connection and productivity will not automatically continue in a virtual world. Virtual teaming affords many benefits but presents a higher risk of misalignment and lack of collaboration, which may take a toll on team trust and employee engagement if not done right.

Distance and lack of face-to-face communication makes managing virtual teams a challenge. When people are not in the same location, it can be hard to understand what they are saying. It is easy to misinterpret their meaning. And unless you can video conference, you do not get the benefit of reading body language or facial expressions. That is why you need really good communication to manage virtual teams.

It’s tough but not impossible to build long-distance relationships. The same interpersonal skills you use with office mates work with remote team members, too.

Be clear in your communication, confirm...

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Sanjeevv Himachli

is Principal Consultant, HRTales & Talent Strategist, EclipticHRS.

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