Leading by Calling

Leading by Calling
They firm up their commitment to succeed in leveraging their talents for achieving the superior purpose. This is because they want to see the bigger picture of what they are doing.


Leadership should be a direct response to our calling. The calling of a true leader is to make a meaningful and lasting impact on the lives of people. Leadership can be looked differently based on our jobs or our role in other facets of the society. It can be seen by leading others in management positions of the organization or within our families, or social groups, we serves. We may have never been called a leader or we don’t like leading others, but we still have the opportunity to influence and impact those we work with or will work with in the future. Whatever our role may be it is important to understand that we are having an impact on those around us. Leadership is the most powerful human force. The rewarding part of our calling as an educator, social worker, entrepreneur, lawyer, medical professional, or a coach; is that we too can see the impact we have on others while leading others as a fulfillment of our calling.


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Sanjay Bhattacharya

PhD, Strategic Lead at World Vision India, New Delhi

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Sanjay Bhattacharya

PhD, Strategic Lead at World Vision India, New Delhi

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