LEADERS IN THE MAKING: The illustrious stories of 30 HR Leaders

Leaders In The Making - The illustrious stories of 30
Dr. Arvind Agrawal, the Management stalwart and Dr. T V Rao, the pioneer of HRD Movement in India, have co-authored a book LEADERS IN THE MAKING. The Book show case the life story of 30 HR leaders who have immensely impacted the organisation, they have been associated with through their leadership traits and thought process. What inspired the authors to document the success stories of these personalities, and what is in it more for management and HR professionals to take and draw learning, are such few points among others on which Dr. Arvind Agrawal and Dr. T V Rao discussed with Business Manager in a conversation. Edited Excerpts:

Dr. Arvind Agrawal

Why did you think of such a book?

AA Over the years I have been seeing several HR leaders from very close quarters. I saw them do amazing work – very impactful in their own organisations as well as in professional forums.
Whenever I read the life story of great CEOs, imminent personalities, this curiosity about impactful professionals around me grew even stronger.

That raised curiosity in my mind to deep dive in to their lives to discover –

  • What were the crucible experiences that they went thru.
  • What were points of inflexions.
  • What choices did they make to become who they became.

In the mean time, I came across the work done by Warren Bennis and Robert Thomas on Crucible of Leadership. That shaped my thinking on how we may possibly study the life journeys of the fellow professionals.

I believed that stories of these very impactful HR...

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Dr. Arvind Agrawal and Dr. T.V. Rao

is Master Certified Coach (MCC), Team Coach and Executive Leadership Consultant having extensive experience as a senior business leader who has been Management Board Member, CEO, Director of Marketing, Strategy and Human Capital Management in some of the most reputed organisations in the country. Dr. Agrawal holds a PhD from IIT Bombay and is alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad and IIT Kharagpur.

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Dr. Arvind Agrawal and Dr. T.V. Rao

is Master Certified Coach (MCC), Team Coach and Executive Leadership Consultant having extensive experience as a senior business leader who has been Management Board Member, CEO, Director of Marketing, Strategy and Human Capital Management in some of the most reputed organisations in the country. Dr. Agrawal holds a PhD from IIT Bombay and is alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad and IIT Kharagpur.

Dr. T. V. Rao

is popularly described as father of HRD in India. He is one of the founders of NHRDN and Ex-professor of IIM-A. He has authored around 60 books on HRD, Education, Entrepreneurship, Health population in general management, Organisation Behaviour, Institution Building and Leadership. He currently runs his own firm TV Rao Learning Systems.
His recently published books on Leaders in the Making (co-authored by Dr. Arvind Agrawal), and Effective People are bestselling publications.

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