As part of our ongoing commitment to colleague wellbeing, we introduced a new mental wellbeing assessment tool - Hyatt Well-Check. Developed by Weill Cornell Department of Medicine, Hyatt Well-Check...
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Coupled with catastrophic impact of wave 2 of everyone, HR and CXO leaders have come together to take huge leaps of faith on their people, think about their physical, then mental and now social...
Our leadership has demonstrated great resilience in managing the business during unprecedented times and ensured a very strong support and care for employees, families and communities.
The revenue streams of the organisations were drying up very fast and they were gradually feeling compelled to tightly hold on to their coffers to stay afloat. Organisations took hard stands of not...
During second wave, exclusive smaller and dedicated support team for every 15 employees was formed keeping in mind scarcity of resources and to ensure hospital bed, oxygen, corona care kit, exclusive...