Enterprise needs to realize that employees are not mere units of productivity. They deserve a humanized workplace relation and experience, where empathy is a core part of whole designing Hybrid Work...
Layout A (with pagination)
Collaboration and innovation cannot happen when we are stressed or overwhelmed or when we feel we are not trusted. How your work culture and environment can promote a sense of trust, autonomy, care...
One of the major challenges of remote/hybrid work is that it's harder to build empathy with people when you're not physically with them. As such, remote employees may feel like their co-workers and...
There are four dimensions that are important and need to be considered for the success of Hybrid working. I have termed it FAIR meaning Flexible culture, Alignment in Work processes, Role and...
HR has to measure, both productivity and cultural impact on business. This is possible through a phased transition and feedback from both employee and their supervisors. Monthly Feedback through...