HR doesn't always require elaborate programs. Sometimes, it's the simple acts of empathy, recognition, and encouragement that resonate most deeply with employees.
Layout A (with pagination)
The road ahead for Indian gig workers is challenging and promising at the same time and the Govt. needs to frame conducive HR policies for this upcoming cohort of India.
Mental health in the workplace is a topic that's still stigmatized, especially at the leadership level. There's an expectation that leaders should always have it together and that they should be...
Problems and Prospects in The Coming of Artificial Intelligence: A SALIENT PERSPECTIVE
The impact of AI doesn't stop there, it has also contributed to increasing productivity and optimizing pricing strategies. This has been,both, a cause and effect in the nature of the job market.
It would be wrong to believe that excessive workload, long hours working, toxicity at the workplace and work-life imbalance leading to employee burnout are issues that crept in only in the recent...