March 2025

Future Employee Relations - March 2025

Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946

Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946

The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 provides for framing Standing Orders covering the various aspects of service conditions and employment. It is a sort of rule book which the employer is supposed to define beforehand so that both the employer and employee have sufficient notice regarding the conduct and service conditions during employment. Over the last few years, Courts have given a number of important decisions regarding this enactment which is why a need was felt to revise and update this book to include the latest case laws September 21 so that readers are able to keep themselves abreast of the latest changes in the law.

The book will be of great help to all those dealing with Labour and Service Laws and any suggestions for the improvement of this book will be greatly appreciated.

With the last changing pace of legal interpretation in the field of labour laws, a need was felt to keep our readers abreast of the latest amendments and case laws dealing with the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946. This is the rationale behind bring out this book with Supplement which includes the amendments as well as summaries of latest case laws reported in the major labour law journals till September, 2021. This book also includes a Comparative Table comparing the sections of the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 with the provisions of the new Industrial Relations Code, 2020.

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