Ma’am, I’m sure when you look back at the forty years of enriching and enticing experience of leading corporate profiles and many not-for-profit ventures, there might have been sea changes. Kindly share your experience about the texture of work climate panorama which might have changed many colors especially for women.
MG Yes indeed Rajeshwari, I will start by saying what we all understand that the only constant in life is ‘change’. It applies to every aspect of life, not the least of which is at home or place of work. Through my work life I have seen major changes across the board. Be it in the work environment, societal & cultural shifts, Government’s policies and ensuing regulations etc. all of this impact business whether it is Corporate or Non-profits. Some changes have been slow and others have very quickly become a part of the work texture or its fabric. While it may be difficult to precisely pinpoint the exact time for the genesis of some of the changes, I think some time periods are prominent. One...