Psychometric assessments have proven its worth in imparting successful placements. It can be taken as a big takeaway that it enhances compatibility to a great extent within and across teams inside the organization.
The cost of incorrect decision making during the recruitment process is something that every organization tries to minimize. Psychometric assessment serves the very purpose for an rganization. Theoretically psychometric is the measurement of mind, measurement of the behavioural traits and personality to be precise.
While the traditional methods of hiring are doing fairly good to shortlist the employees with the best skill set, experience, intelligence, critical reasoning, motivation, and personality profile are the aspects which are often left uncovered. This is where Psychometric Assessments come into play.
Why use psychometric assessments
At present only 18% of the companies are using psychometric assessments in their respective hiring processes as per a survey performed by the Society for Human Resource anagement. The agenda of psychometric assessments is to provide the company with measurable, objective data that will make them access the credibility of the applicants.
It tends to reduce the workload of the HR manager by...