Industrial Disputes Act 1947 is a comprehensive code having provisions for the investigations, resolutions/ settlement and adjudication of disputes between employer and workmen. The objective of this law is to secure industrial peace and harmony by providing a mechanism through Appropriate Govt. for the investigation and settlement of disputes or differences through negotiations between employer and workman.
Under the Act, Industrial dispute is raised before the conciliation officer by registered trade union or significant number of workmen collectively. Individual workman has also been given right to raise his dispute of termination, retrenchment or discharge of his own without going to Union under Sec. 2-A of the Act. Till 2010 both kind of disputes raised before Conciliation officer if not resulted in to any settlement were sent to Govt. by Conciliation Officer with failure report on which after dure consideration, Appropriate Govt. used to send a reference of dispute to Labour Court/Industrial Tribunal for adjudication or refuse to refer the dispute in case it was of...
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