HR With Business & Business With HR

HR With Business & Business With HR
"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six sharpening my axe". The hours vary (usually it's given as either eight or six hours), but the meaning is that one should spend more time in preparation and smart work. Expanding the Business and meetings with Dealers are important but when it comes to selecting the candidate, Tarun's way of hiring the candidate seems quite helpful in hiring the right fit for the organisation, as he will see the candidate on four major aspects, perfection, loyalty, commitment and hard work.

Hire Character. Train Skill, a famous quote by Peter Schulz, on hiring right fit to the organisation. When you hire someone, you do not hire a candidate alone, by hiring a candidate you bring a set of culture to the organisation. A culture, wherein candidate has grown up personally and professionally and many Leaders accept this truth or not but it affects the culture and performance of the organisation in both negative and positive way.

In case of Mitra Household Finance, we have witnessed both kind of employees, one who need job as a necessity and for other, it was a luxury. It is always beneficial to have a Second opinion, while hiring for a critical position in Business, and work in a synergy.

It’s true that HR plays an important role in assessing the right fit for the organisation on Human and behavioural aspects but now the concept is changed a bit: the new concept is “HR with Business” and “Business with HR”. HR and Business go hand and hand in successful organisation and plays an important role in bringing fresh air and positive...

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Bhaskar Dharival

is a HR & ER Professional with 19+ Years of experience, Awarded by President of India in 2000. Presently he is Heading Human Resource Function at Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd, Halol Plant.

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Bhaskar Dharival

is a HR & ER Professional with 19+ Years of experience, Awarded by President of India in 2000. Presently he is Heading Human Resource Function at Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd, Halol Plant.

March 2025

Future Employee Relations - March 2025
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