What is your perspective about the state the DEI in Indian Organisations? Is it limited to lip service in most of the cases to talk about and little is happening at ground?
SO When we walk suddenly onto the beach after walking on firm ground, even though we know we are approaching sand, when we first step on it, we tend lose some balance before our feet find their grip and we walk ahead. That analogy describes the state of DEI in Indian organisations. We saw it coming and were aware of it becoming important, in the near future.
Yet we are off-balance for a bit. And we started finding our grip and the ability to work on the slippery path. DEI’s current state in Indian organisations is best described as evolving. There has been a significant shift in terms of DEI in the last couple of decades. It is changing shape as the demographic profile of our potential workforce and the intense war for talent becomes critical to assess from a business impact lens.
In many organisations it is still limited to lip service and these are...
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