The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic. – Peter Drucker
It’s a moment of reckoning for several HR Leaders as one of the most labour-intensive countries of the world, is geared to take a leap of faith. The government has codified 29 of its national-level labour laws into 4 codes. This is a bold and progressive move given that several labour laws were almost 70-80 years old and in my mind outlived its existence long ago. Not only had it led to lack of inclusions of several of the current workforce categories but it had also built a whole set of New HR fraternity who have no clue on these elements of their profession. In came the consultants and labour advisors who gladly filled this gap and as we speak are again gearing up to reap the benefits of this lack of knowledge. Let me just outline in simplest of ways how this hype could be managed without much external support. This piece is for all my HR Friends.