There have always been two major markers of history in the western world in particular. B.C. denoting Before Christ, and A.D. denoting the Year of the Lord. This year, the world has changed in unprecedented ways. May be because HR was not so evolved during the last epidemic, Covid has challenged many basic assumptions, beliefs and practices of HR. Added to this, the pandemic fast forwarded adoption of new technologies backed by AI, practices like WFH and WFA, etc. Verily, HR AC (Anno Covidi) may be dramatically different from BC (Before Covid).
HR Policies & Systems
The world of employee manuals, conduct, discipline & appeal rules, and full time employment may be pass. This does not cover contract labor, the mainstay of most organizations today. Archaic laws and myopic attitude made organizations keep an arm’s length from contract labor for decades. As a result, when the tragedy struck, migrant labor felt helpless and hopeless, triggering a migration...