How New Labour Codes will impact the IR landscape

How New Labour Codes will impact the IR landscape
When Labour Codes are enforced, the scenario of Industrial relations would also be impacted in terms of contract labour engagement, workers' right to protest, collective bargaining and employer's right to manage the industry.

India’s New Labour codes are expected to bring major changes in Industrial Relations (IR) in India in all sectors which include manufacturing, service, IT, ITES etc. Especially, the Code on IR is aimed at bringing more industrial democracy through the empowerment of GRCs and the mandatory recognition of unions by employers. In addition, uniform change in the definition of employer in all codes especially in the IR Code leads to a master – servant relationship between Principal Employer and Contract Labours raises the question of the mere existence of contract labour system. Let us to explore how these changes can impact the employer – employee relations at workplaces.

Definition of ‘Employer’ in the Context of the IR Code

According to Sec 2 (m) of IR Code ’employer’ means a person who employs, whether directly or through any person, or on his behalf or on behalf of any person, one or more employee or workers in his establishment and ……

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Dr. F. Israel Inbaraj

is Group Head - Employee Relations & HR Compliance, Adani Group and Guest faculty at Gujarat National Law University, IIM - Trichy.

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Dr. F. Israel Inbaraj

is Group Head - Employee Relations & HR Compliance, Adani Group and Guest faculty at Gujarat National Law University, IIM - Trichy.

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