Hold middle managers accountable but cloth them with authority too

Hold middle managers accountable but cloth them with authority too
When interacting with subordinates, on the other hand, they adopt a more assertive high-power behavioural style. People should know how to play what is expected of them.

How do you decode the Middle Riddle? What are the most relevant issues involved with middle managers in the organisations?

DS Yes, the middle is always a dilemma. It is assumed, as the first and youngest kid, receives the most attention, while the middle child must compete for parental attention with both the elder and younger sibling to guarantee his survival, he makes his presence known by doing a balancing act between the elder and the younger, lest he becomes stuck in the midst. The middle group is seen as neglected, despite the fact that it is vital to the organisation’s growth. The connection between middle management and the power centre is complicated, delicate, and volatile.

They must be adaptable in their approach in order to manage the expectations of seniors and to adopt a new work style in order to get the task done from the co-workers. The balance between finishing the assignment and demanding effort from the team, moving from...

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Dharmendra Singh Negi

HR & ER Leader at Confidential

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Dharmendra Singh Negi

HR & ER Leader at Confidential

February 2025

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