Highlights of new Labour Codes and impact on employers and workforce

Highlights of new Labour Codes and impact on employers and workforce
The Social security Code 2020 has 164 sections in 14 chapters with seven schedules and The OSH&WC Code 2020 has 143 Sections in 14 chapters with three schedules.

With passing of the new remaining three labour codes by parliament, the objective of the Govt. appears to have been completed.  All the four codes have now become the Acts as President has accorded his assent on 28th Sep. 2020. The Code on wages Act 2019 has already become an Act. By this exercise 39 central Acts have been merged in these four codes.  Now Govt. has to frame the Rules under respective codes.

By this Four Codes Govt. has subsumed the following existing Acts:

The Code on Wages Act 2019: The Payment of Wages Act, 1936, the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.

The Industrial Relations Code 2020: The Industrial Disputes Act 1947, Trade Unions Act 1926 and Industrial Employment (S.O.) Act, 1946.

The Social Security Code 2020 : The Employees Compensation Act, 1923,The Employees State...

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Anil Kaushik

A Management thinker, Educator, Motivator, Guest Speaker of Management Institutes, Consultant, author of labour law books and President of Indian HR Forum, with about three decades of deep rooted understanding, Floor experience and research in HRM Area and Training has led many organizations to a path of productivity, performance and profits with business linked HR strategies.

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Anil Kaushik

A Management thinker, Educator, Motivator, Guest Speaker of Management Institutes, Consultant, author of labour law books and President of Indian HR Forum, with about three decades of deep rooted understanding, Floor experience and research in HRM Area and Training has led many organizations to a path of productivity, performance and profits with business linked HR strategies.

February 2025

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