High communication environment creates democratic work culture

High communication environment creates democratic work culture - Mohinish Sinha
Democratic and transparent organisations are marked by extensive dialogue. The meetings are marked by information sharing, acknowledgment of issues and opportunities. Leaders demonstrate the values of "inclusive working" and "respect" and employees experience "psychological safety" and therefore people don't hold back from airing their concerns.

What are the crucial elements of a strong democratic and transparent work culture?

MS A democratic and transparent culture is marked by a high communication environment. Both top down as well as bottom up. Such organisations are marked by extensive dialogue. The meetings are marked by information sharing, acknowledgment of issues and opportunities. Leaders demonstrate the values of “inclusive working” and “respect” and employees experience “psychological safety” and therefore people don’t hold back from airing their concerns. An opposite of this culture is easy to spot. For example after a long CEO address to the employees, no one asks questions or worse still the questions seem perfunctory or unimportant.

To build a better work culture whose role is much crucial? Do you think HR alone can nurture the work culture that makes an organisation to work for?

MS The CEOs or the owner/promoters role is the most critical. More than anyone else. Culture...

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Mohinish Sinha

is a Consulting Partner at Deloitte and leads Deloitte Leadership in India. He brings over 30 years of experience in organization transformation, cultural transformation, development, preparing mind-sets of leaders for adopting and agile ways of working, top team development, coaching, and setting up learning functions including bringing in technologies like analytics, robotics and other learning technologies. He is also leadership coach and has coached, mentored and facilitated hundreds of senior and top management executives within India and outiside.

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Mohinish Sinha

is a Consulting Partner at Deloitte and leads Deloitte Leadership in India. He brings over 30 years of experience in organization transformation, cultural transformation, development, preparing mind-sets of leaders for adopting and agile ways of working, top team development, coaching, and setting up learning functions including bringing in technologies like analytics, robotics and other learning technologies. He is also leadership coach and has coached, mentored and facilitated hundreds of senior and top management executives within India and outiside.

February 2025

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