1. I think that the issue has to do with the overall organizational work culture, the working habits, the way it has been built, systemized or ingrained and the way all are working right now. It seems that everyone is working in isolation. There is employee disconnect and disengagement. If we see from the case study, all the 4 dept. heads present in the meeting, Rajendra from sales, Sharad from service, Meghna from HR and Shaily from finance, they were just speaking from their functional viewpoint. They were just concerned with their own problems only and as rightly thought out by Varun, nobody was looking at the organisation’s problem from a holistic viewpoint, 360 degree view. It seems that Finance thought that it’s role is to just present data and let others explain the analysis part. Finance could have also questioned why sales are down or why people are leaving and what is being done about it. There was no cross-pollination of ideas or solutions coming out from the meeting discussions. And also the discussions were very biased and...
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