Exploring the Whys and What-Next of Early Resignation

Exploring the Whys and What-Next of Early Resignation
The narrative that began with Sophie's unexpected resignation became a story of growth, resilience, and adaptability. The challenges faced were not swept under the rug but addressed head-on, paving the way for a workplace culture that prioritized both professional and personal well-being.

In the heart of Brisbane’s bustling Fintech district, where the skyline danced with the promise of innovation, Sophie, a seasoned Senior Software Engineer, stepped into a new professional chapter. With over 8 years of honed expertise, she was ready to contribute her wealth of knowledge to a fresh organisation that pulsed with the energy of possibility. Little did she know, and little did her new colleagues anticipate, that this journey was about to take an unexpected turn.

As Sophie settled into her role, her manager diligently navigated the vast landscape of projects to identify the one that best harness her skills. The team, eager to witness the infusion of Sophie’s experience, prepared to welcome her with open arms. Simultaneously, the HR department engaged in the meticulous process of onboarding, ensuring a seamless integration into the organisational fabric. The stage was set for collaboration, innovation, and success.

Then, like an unforeseen storm on the horizon, Sophie submitted her resignation. The news reverberated through the office, leaving a...

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Pavithra Urs & Sanjeevv Himachli

is Author, HR Thought Leader, Global HR Professional

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Pavithra Urs & Sanjeevv Himachli

is Author, HR Thought Leader, Global HR Professional

Sanjeevv Himachli

is Principal Consultant, HRTales & Talent Strategist, EclipticHRS.

October 2024

Workplace Conflict - October 2024

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