Why this function matters more now than ever? Can you underline a few reasons?
ND L&D function matters more than ever today as the business landscape is rapidly evolving and is characterized by VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Changing, and Ambiguous) environment. Further, technology is advancing at a lightning speed, making continuous learning more important than ever to stay competitive and agile. Further, the expectation from the workforce is uplevelling to match the dynamic business landscape, requiring the workforce to continuously upskill and reskill themselves. This makes the L&D function more critical than ever, to ensure that the workforce is equipped to navigate the challenges facing modern organisations today and are also at the same time continuously growing, engaged and thriving, and contributing to the success and sustainability of the organisation.
How has increasing technology use impacted L&D Function in the new world of work, and what challenges do you foresee for L&D...