Do Not Underestimate the Power of People Skills

Do Not Underestimate the Power of People Skills
People skill plays a critical role in getting things done effectively, achieving Production targets, and achieving new milestones for the organisation. After a certain level, you can succeed if you have 40% Functional Skills and 60% People Skills.

How important are people skills for managers in their career growth and why do organisations and managers not pay much attention in comparison to functional skills?

BD Technical/functional skills may take you to a certain level, but to be a successful professional you need to have a balanced combination of both, Functional & People Skills. People Work for People. Employee leaves their managers and not the organisation, why, this is a big question that we all need to have a deep think. As a HR Professional, we rarely emphasize developing People Skills in our managers/leaders either because managers are busy completing the Production targets or having people skills is a third priority for managers/leaders.

People Skills in managers/leaders largely depend on their Personal & Professional upbringing and years of experience they have acquired in a particular way of working or atmosphere, secondly, it is purely based on the manager’s hunger to learn...

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Bhaskar Dharival

is a HR & ER Professional with 19+ Years of experience, Awarded by President of India in 2000. Presently he is Heading Human Resource Function at Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd, Halol Plant.

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Bhaskar Dharival

is a HR & ER Professional with 19+ Years of experience, Awarded by President of India in 2000. Presently he is Heading Human Resource Function at Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd, Halol Plant.

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