What is your perspective about the state of the DEI in Indian Organisations? Is it limited to lip service in most of the cases to talk about and little is happening on the ground?
PA India is a diverse country and most people at organisations come from different backgrounds to work together as a team. Diversity and inclusion at workplaces in India have become the topic of discussion lately and rightfully so, further strengthened by global awareness, discussion on social media, policy initiatives and progressive decisions made by organisations.
In India, a country of many languages and ethnicities, the role and understanding of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) at the workplace is complex. In the last few years, both the government and private sector have taken conscious steps to promote diversity at work. For example, the financial markets regulator, SEBI, has mandated that all listed companies should have at least one woman director on their board. This helped the number of women on company boards increase from 5% in 2012 to 13% in...
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