In every field, during a particular era, there is someone, who stands up to a cause. There is a “North Star” in the sky, to guide the “navigator”, who might erringly go astray to reach destination. The star gives direction, through sheer stability. Consumer analytics as such is widely accepted throughout the world. It specially has a very firm footing in enriching user experience, thanks to the gigantic data collection exercise. The popularity seems to have stemmed from the fact that, Analytics is the real “navigator”, based on data facts, has the panacea for the business problems and leads the way forward, whenever required!
The world is a big data challenge. One will always be astonished to know where the data is getting generated from. The time one wakes up in the morning with the fit bit on wrist or the same old bad habit of seeing the world through not so smart phone – the data collection gets a jump start. It’s the beginning; much of iceberg is under water....