How do you describe the workplace frustration and what can be the causes and manifestations of such frustration?
LC Frustration in my view is too big a word because it has different interpretations by each one of us. Frustration is a type of emotional reaction to stress we face. It’s common to have this feeling when we encounter daily stress at workplace. In many cases, this frustration is short-lived and tends to gradually pass as the situation changes but sometimes when we find ourselves falling short of achieving a goal or an aspiration, it can be longer-lasting and can take a more serious toll on our health and well-being. Frustration can affect a person in a variety of ways at workplace. Frustration can show up in several different ways. The expressions may vary from one person to another however the common ones include anger, avoiding interactions, experiencing changes in lifestyle, feeling annoyed or irritated frequently, feeling anxious, getting overwhelmed and giving up on tasks.
Frustration generally tends to happen...
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