Madam you have been an iconic leader being first ever women to lead as Chairman State Bank of India, one of the largest public sector banks in India. Looking back 1977 when you joined as probationary officer, how this journey had been in terms of milestones?
AB Obviously in a career that long there will be several, milestones, I think the first big milestone was when I was given independent charge of a branch, which was known to be a disturbed branch with lot of IR issues, strong union activities systems were manual and people dependent. It was a challenge to keep the shift running; you have to make sure that your team was well aligned, without being counter-productive. I learnt being in service organisation you have to be customer friendly and need to win hearts of people by engaging them right, therefore, instead of putting yourself at the centre of everything, you decide to put people you are serving at centre, reversing that paradigm was a little difficult at that point of time. Bank branches in early 80s, employees were serving from...
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