Challenge will be of retaining empathy & emotions

Challenge will be of retaining empathy & emotions
Organizations would need to 'take care' of employee health holistically - healing the body, mind and spirit. The challenge given the focus on cost and competition is the degree to which this becomes a priority beyond well intentioned 'sound bytes'.
As the year draws to a close, it is a good time for us in HR profession to think about the challenges that organizations will face and the key areas that HR needs to focus on, to add value continuously and consistently to enable organizations meets their strategic objectives.
Given the multi dimensional forces that are impacting individuals, organizations and society, it is important to understand that expectations from HR are changing and will continue to change. And when expectations change, HR professionals need to understand and build capability for same while at the same time, setting the agenda for the next leap.
After speaking to couple of practicing managers, academicians and thought leaders, the top 5 focus areas for HR going forward in 2018 and beyond will be :
1. “Rule of the Individual”: As organizations focus on performance and delivery in midst of all the changes, premium on talent will increase. Individuals who possess specialized...

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Dr. D. Prasanth Nair

is a doctorate from IIM Ahmedabad. He is currently CHRA of TVS Capital Funds. He is also part of leadership group in ZingHR.

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Dr. D. Prasanth Nair

is a doctorate from IIM Ahmedabad. He is currently CHRA of TVS Capital Funds. He is also part of leadership group in ZingHR.

February 2025

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