Each HPV to take care of at least 10 families by individually being in touch with the employee and their family members (especially senior citizens and vulnerable in their families). @ One hour per family twice a week will need 20 hours of HPV work per week. This could stop after the pandemic comes...
The coming dayswill see us operating in a new normal, wherein we will have to face restrictions on logistics, heightened social distancing norms and even periodic shutdown to counter newer waves! This I foresee continuing for months, till the immunity sets in or the Covid-19 vaccine shows up.
Companies are hiring fitness experts who are engaging on virtual platforms for yoga/aerobic sessions in different slots and prescribing them immunity booster food diets. Frequent medical advisory and precautions assures employees about their wellbeing and safety. Up skilling employees through...
This recent trend of balancing people cost with people development in human resource management is one area, which is rising and progressing very fast. The practice of building people is not done in occasional workshops or classes; it is done continuously and intentionally.
Those who are diverse or at the various margins of society always suffer the most during such times. This is the perfect time to stand up and extend some support to these people, embrace diversity and work towards building an inclusive environment for all.
What are the HR challenges before organizations in the post lockdown situation? I asked this question to a group of eminent HR Leaders, and sought their permission to publish their response. Different perspectives of these thinkers enrich our understanding of the situation. My gratitude to the six...
Establishing alternate days or extra shifts to reduce the number of employees at a given time and allowing them to maintain a safe distance from one another while maintaining a full onsite work week.
With many companies adopting a remote work policy to keep employees safe and prevent further spread of COVID-19, how can employers keep remote team mates just as involved as those who work on-site? From communication to recognition, here are some tips for including remote employees effectively.