The most beautiful things which I found in photography that you start looking things, people and subject differently and incisively. It makes you curious about the people, place and nature.
Work-Life Balance
Statistics show that there are more cases of domestic violence, increase in stress and life style diseases. Partially here I would blame it to the fact that work has entered home.
Every organisation, large or small uses a variety of capital to make the business work, no matter what type of business, all organisation have one thing common in all that is they must have skilled people to make their capital work for them.
The year 2021 started with newfound hope with highly effective vaccines against the corona virus. The governments are ensuring vaccine distribution and administration around the world, with the possibility of a return to normal life within the coming year.
Is work-life balance still deemed as a misnomer in the culture of productivity or has the pandemic changed this thought process? PK Well, it varies from company to company. Even before the pandemic, most of companies were acknowledging that a healthy work-life balance is a key enabler for workplace...
Is work life balance still deemed as a misnomer in the culture of productivity or pandemic has changed this thought process? UR Productivity is commonly defined as a ratio between the output volume and the volume of inputs. In other words, it measures how efficiently production inputs, such as...
Is work life balance still deemed as a misnomer in the culture of productivity or pandemic has changed this thought process? PP Surely changed for good. With office practically moving into one’s house for quite considerable period and even permanently for many employers, work life balance has...
During this pandemic, we have to be cautious, that while work is a priority and there is no compromise on performance and productivity, our personal, mental and physical well-being also gets the due, it deserves.
I believe that work-life balance, (WLB) is a myth. It’s safe to say that, for many, work occupies about half of our waking hours, but work and personal life are not easily compartmentalized.
The article discusses many facets of basic and elementary concept of work/overtime with reference to the statutory provisions under the Factories Act 1948, and also from the human and social perspective.