Growth is not just the upward movement with a change in salary and title. It is essentially about potential prospects to help you broaden your perspectives through the change in your skills, experiences and competencies.
Empathy fosters a climate of trust and cooperation which could be the most positive driver to success in a M&A.
R & R is a common initiative for retaining talent in organisations but nature of the same is different from industry to industry. Author attempts to throw light on some practices of R & R in different sectors.
The taxation laws for both the countries are important to understand how their home country income if any in that duration and the new country income are taxed.
In terms of time-frames, the incentive plans can be framed around a single year's performance and paid out in cash.
The metrics that connect up with the pay at risk, should be representative of the business scenario of the present and that anticipated for the future.
Gain deep and comprehensive insights into what different employees value - Our usual strategy of assessing monetary compensation against market benchmarks and applying it based on our pay percentile principles will not apply when we talk about global rewards.
The design of your incentive programs whether short term or long term incentives, is a complex task and one which requires a clear understanding of the business goals, which will then to be clearly developed into individual and team goals.
Finally the component of Long-Term Incentive which though not extremely prevalent in the Indian context is extensively used in Western economies particularly at top leadership levels.